A Story About the Success of a Finnish Hiusten Hoito Company

I’ve seen a lot of people hesitate, which is understandable because some investments really are worse or better than others. Especially when it comes to advertising, often times you end up putting in a lot of money without getting any new customers. This is an unfortunate situation of course, but what leads to this is what worries us at adsoncar.com

It is fairly obvious that our policies differ from others quite a bit. Because we have not only what’s called attitude, but principles. And we live up to the principles because we take pride in our work. And whenever there is a customer, we consider them as a lifetime partner. We also understand, that every customer is different and act accordingly.

Let’s give an example, since everyone loves examples… right!? So we have one customer from as far as Finland, and they were into hair care products and such. I know, you wouldn’t believe it but customers do come from all over the world for us, just because we are famous for taking care of all walks of life. Anyway, this company known as “hiusten hoito”, contact us and wanted to advertise their hair products, such as shampoos, conditioners and all that in cars. We did no hesitate to take the challenge, and started making custom plan for them.

Of course, usual customers are not related to hair treatment, but tend to be something more towards men and such things. But we fought hard to find a market, and we did. It was just a matter of finding the right vehicles, that would catch the attention of women. And the end result was magnificent, the company hiusten (hair) hoito (treatment) company is keeping on strong and we have definitely made a customer for the rest of our business!

And that’s just one of the many success stories we’ve had over the years.

Hope you liked it,

Justin Calvo

4 response on “A Story About the Success of a Finnish Hiusten Hoito Company

  1. That’s a really interesting story. A virtually unknown company from Finland, can really benefit form car ads! 🙂

    • Thanks for your reply Leonard. It is an interesting story indeed. I’ll be sharing more later on, keep you posted!

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